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Muc-Off Bio Degreaser 500ml

Available in store
Dispatched between 5th Jun and 7th Jun.


Part Number:




Our Water Soluble De-Greaser quickly and safely eliminates built-up oil, grease and grime on metal, plastic, rubber and seals. Its unique, *biodegradable formula means that after use it can be quickly rinsed away with water to leave your greasy bike parts completely clean. Our R&D team put in the hours to make sure the Water Soluble Degreaser works on the toughest of grime including waterproof grease and chain lube residue!

Sizes 500ML
Brand Muc-Off
Model Year 2021
Barcodes 5037835948004
SKUs / Part Numbers 948

Please note: Manufacturers can sometimes change the specification of the products from time to time.

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